Feast of Unleavened Bread starts on the day after Passover and lasts for
seven days. During this time, we are to fast from any leavening and keep
all leavening out of our houses. Why? As mentioned before, the New Testament
reveals that leaven is a symbol of sin because a small amount affects
the whole batch and because it puffs up, like pride. It is during this
time that Jesus' body with the sin of the world upon Him was in the grave,
teaching us about His purification of our lives.
time we purify ourselves and our houses of leaven, we are reminded of
how cleansing ourselves from sin should be a constant process in our lives.
are also reminded of how God Himself cleansed the whole world of sin because
we cannot do so adequately; and one day He will complete that task when
He returns.
Jesus is the unleavened bread. As mentioned in the Passover discussion,
Jesus lifted a piece of unleavened bread during the Passover meal that
Jesus and His disciples shared, and declared, "This is my body,"
- sinless, broken, buried, and resurrected. He also says He is the bread
of life, and He happened to be born in Beit-lechem (Bethlehem), the "house
of bread." The Feast of Unleavened Bread is a celebration of the
sinlessless of Jesus; sinlessness that He credits to us so that we can
be live eternally with Him.