Ladder is a weekly expository Bible Study taught by Brent Avery. We explore the depth of prophetic meaning and life application evident throughout the Bible, starting where the Bible starts, the Torah. Some might even call the study, "The
Gospel according to Moses." Brent's
study and teaching helps one to find God's self-revelation in every
book, chapter, verse, sentence, word, and even letter of the Bible.
teaching is unique because he examines intimate relationship between the
New Testament and Old, takes time to explore the meaning of the text in
the original languages, and applies teachings of the ancient Jewish
sages. These often bring to light new and meaningful patterns throughout
the entire Bible - and point to our Savior, Jesus. He truly is the light of creation
and the "lamb slain from the foundations of the world."
is always welcome to come and participate.
and Place
to be announced
name Jacob's Ladder is taken from a vision that Jacob had in the book
of Genesis of angels ascending and descending heaven on a ladder (Gen.
28:12). This vision is representative of Jesus, who has provided the link
between earth and heaven through His sacrifice (John 1:51). Accompanying
that vision is the promise of inheritance first given to Abraham; the
inheritance which Jesus provides to all who believe in Him. We are called
to be like Jesus, and in many ways we are the link between the world and
Jesus, since one of the greatest ways the world can see the light of God
is through our lives.
Jacob's Ladder lessons are online to listen to and download. Follow the
"resources" link above.