is the first of the spring feasts. God instituted this observance as He
was about to free the Israelites from their bondage of slavery in Egypt.
The Israelites were to kill an unblemished lamb, whose blood would then
be used to protect the Israelites from the judgment of death that came upon
Egypt; immediately to the firstborn, but consequently to the whole nation. They were to eat it with unleavened bread (matzah) because their
redemption came in haste and leaven takes time to rise, and bitter herbs
which represent the distress of their slavery. God says the month in which this takes place would
become the first month of the year.
events in Egypt are extremely significant because they display in a very real way the power and faithfulness of God. What is even more significant about these events is that they are a pattern that teaches us about an even greater redemption; a spiritual one, which saves our soul from the bondage of sin.
The details of Jesus death, burial, and resurrection follow this pattern
to incredible detail. Jesus entered Jerusalem four days before his sacrifice,
just as lambs all across the nation were brought into families' houses.
Just like those lambs, Jesus was pronounced blameless, both by Jews and
Pilate. At the exact moment Passover lambs were being sacrificed across
the nation, and the one lamb was being sacrificed by the priests for
the nation, Jesus breathed his last breath as the Lamb of God who takes
away the sin of the world. As with the original Passover, those who choose to trust God and apply the blood of Jesus to their lives are free from bondage and death. Furthermore, He gives
us a spiritual birthday because of Passover, just as He gave His calendar
a new beginning on Passover. In Him, we are born again as new creations who are able to dwell in His presence.
last supper that Jesus ate with His disciples was the commanded Passover
meal. The order of this meal, called a seder, has been passed down for
thousands of years through Jewish tradition. Nearly every detail of the
meal teaches us about Him. For example, during the meal, there is a piece
of matzah, taken from a bag with three pockets, which is broken and then
buried under a pillow called a stone - just as
Jesus sinless body was broken and buried. At the culmination of
the meal, it is discovered that this piece is missing. It is ransomed from the father and eaten after the meal. It is very likely that this is the piece
of matzah that Jesus lifted and said, This is my body, given for
you." A "sinless" piece of bread; broken, buried, and resurrected.
There is much more to discover about Jesus in this feast. And this is only the first.